October 25, 2016
Los Angeles – Today School2Home launched the Los Angeles Region Collaborative Learning Community in partnership with Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD). School Leadership Teams from 10 middle schools (Stevenson, Muir, Madison-Kindle the Passion, SFIAM, LeConte, Mark Twain, Markham, Columbus, and San Fernando in LAUSD and Crozier in IUSD) and 5 school-improvement intermediary partners (Partnership for Los Angeles Schools, LA’s Promise-LA Fund, Youth Policy Institute, Families in Schools, and MOUSE Squad) convened at the California Community Foundation to focus on how to integrate broadband-enabled technologies to accelerate academic performance. Sophia Mendoza and Francisco Canche from LAUSD addressed the Learning Community and briefed the school leaders on Instructional Technology Initiative new professional development opportunities and learning management system (Schoology).