
Category: Media Coverage

California Emerging Technology Fund: Access to Broadband Services

Women in Telecommunications presents: California Emerging Technology Fund: Access to Broadband Services Monday, May 21, 6:00pm-8:00pm, San Francisco MORE INFO: http://www.womenintelecom.org California Emerging Technology Fund: Achieving Ubiquitous Access to Broadband & Advanced Services. Presented by Rich Motta, CFO, California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) Read More>>>

’06 Great Year For Businesses

The San Joaquin Partnership reported another productive year attracting businesses to San Joaquin County as well as retaining them. The group was involved in 29 business projects that meant the creation of nearly 6,000 jobs last year. Read More>>>

Task Force To Study Wireless For All

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has appointed 21 technology leaders -- a third from the Bay Area -- to a Broadband Task Force that will join forces with another new agency to engineer plans to remove barriers to high-speed cable and wireless access. At least $460 million [...]