- Teaching over 4,000 elementary, 1,000 middle, and 500 high school-age youth high-end digital media technology skills through existing after school networks and a nationally recognized Summer Youth Institute.
- The YMCA of Greater Long Beach was expected to replicate its Youth Institute program model in seven underserved communities with well-qualified non-profit organizations in California over a three-year period. In total, 900 high school youth were expected to complete the Youth Institute Program. Youth Institute participants would be trained to teach technology skills and promote new broadband subscriptions at a minimum of 9,000 households as Tech Tutors in after school sites, Get Connected! Technology Community Fairs and additional local events. Ultimately, the organization was expected to reach a minimum of 18,000 people (youth and adults) and secure 1,200 Internet subscriptions at home.
Neighborhood Technology Learning Continuum - Final Report Youth Institute Program Replication - Final Report