- The Valley Family Technology Project (VFTP) will provide computer literacy classes as well as home computer systems to 300 low-income families. It will also provide broadband access, training, and resources to 450 families who have already graduated from VFTP, and have computers in their home with dial-up Internet service. The California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) will be funding a potion of the project management, 300 refurbished laptops and printers, and a portion of the 750 DSL lines families will receive at home.
- Through the Internet for All grant, the Youth Policy Institute (YPI) set out to integrate digital literacy curricula into its 58 program segments of the Los Angeles Promise Neighborhood (LAPN) and Los Angeles Promise Zone (LAPZ) initiatives, as well as toits 26 Public Computer Centers (PCCs). As a result of this project, YPI anticipated facilitating a minimum of 2,500 first-time Internet subscriptions to high-speed Internet at home.
The Valley Family Technology Project - Final Report
Internet for All – Los Angeles Promise Neighborhood - Final Report