
Category: Latest News

Internet Providers Must Take Lead Closing the Digital Divide

We have all seen the images and heard stories:  students without Internet access sitting in parks, parking lots, or fast food restaurants to use public Wi-Fi to do homework.  COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders illuminated how essential it is to be connected to the Internet for education, […]

Will COVID-19 Be Impetus to Close Digital Divide?

A 2019 study by the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) showed that lack of access affected 16 percent of Los Angeles residents and 12 percent of San Franciscans, higher than the 9 percent mark of rural areas like the Inland Empire and the Central Valley. […]

CETF Call To Action In Response To COVID-19

A Letter From California Emerging Technology Fund May 2020 In light of recent emergencies and crises-devastating wildfires, public safety power shut-offs, and a health pandemic that closed schools and workplaces sending everyone home-there is a deeper sense of urgency among policymakers and regulators to get [...]

How to Close the Digital Divide

From telehealth to online schooling, COVID has made high-speed internet access more critical than ever. Yet 1 out of every 8 households in California still lacks broadband. Former State Senator Martha Escutia discusses how to close the digital divide. Listen now>>

Community Organizations and Legislators Support the T-Mobile Sprint Merger

A Community Letter to Policymakers and Regulators T-Mobile has made nearly 50 verifiable, enforceable and specific commitments for California as part of the CPUC's review of the merger, including commitments relating to 5G deployment and network buildout, pricing, jobs, network resiliency and emergency preparedness, digital [...]