Two-hundred sixth-graders received their own Chromebooks last week from an organization seeking to breach the digital divide. But for many Del Norte students, that divide still exists due to a global shortage in devices starting at the raw material phase, according to Ryan Bahten, Del […]
Category: Latest News
The Del Norte Unified School District announced last week that it has accepted a donation of 200 number Chromebooks from Frontier Communications that will be issued to students who lack devices at home so they may participate in distance learning. “We are so grateful to […]
We have all seen the images and heard stories: students without Internet access sitting in parks, parking lots, or fast food restaurants to use public Wi-Fi to do homework. COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders illuminated how essential it is to be connected to the Internet for education, […]
A 2019 study by the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) showed that lack of access affected 16 percent of Los Angeles residents and 12 percent of San Franciscans, higher than the 9 percent mark of rural areas like the Inland Empire and the Central Valley. […]
Sixth-graders at Crescent Elk Middle School will receive their very own Chromebook as they and their parents navigate academics in the time of COVID-19. Del Norte County Unified School District will distribute 200 devices to Crescent Elk’s youngest student class on Sept. 11 courtesy of […]
Imagine the imbalances that could be addressed in meaningful ways by achieving digital equity once and for all, giving everyone a chance to thrive. Californians need not live with this shame any longer. Solutions are within reach, but swift action is needed before the Legislature […]
From telehealth to online schooling, COVID has made high-speed internet access more critical than ever. Yet 1 out of every 8 households in California still lacks broadband. Former State Senator Martha Escutia discusses how to close the digital divide. Listen now>>
The headlines underscore the massive challenges ahead of us: 1 in 5 California students lack computers and Wi-Fi. Coronavirus exposes L.A.’s economic and racial digital divide. Depression-era jobless rates loom. None of us could have imagined when the governor laid out his visionary Broadband for […]