
Category: Education and School2Home

Families in Schools

Institutionalization This Grant enables Families In Schools (FIS) to promote the affordable home Internet for low-income families with whom they work. The $25,000 grant, awarded in June 2018, is to support the development and implementation of strategies and activities to increase awareness among low-income households […]

California Parent Teacher Association

Institutionalization of Digital Inclusion This Grant supports the California PTA (CAPTA) to engage its large membership to promote affordable home Internet offers to school districts and schools. The $60,000 grant, awarded in July 2019, is helping the state leadership reach its more than 730,000 members […]

Venice Arts: In Neighborhoods

Venice Arts captured young people’s curiosity and interests in the Internet, digital media, and technology to build quality programs that help them succeed academically and vocationally and engage them in critical thinking, learning and creativity. A central component to our strategy was BeyondMySpace.org, a web-based […]

YMCA of Greater Long Beach

Teaching over 4,000 elementary, 1,000 middle, and 500 high school-age youth high-end digital media technology skills through existing after school networks and a nationally recognized Summer Youth Institute. The YMCA of Greater Long Beach was expected to replicate its Youth Institute program model in seven […]

United Ways of California

United Way’s 211 statewide network is responding to 250,000 calls as Public Service Announcements and is referring callers to Digital Literacy training, low-cost computers, and information on how to subscribe to broadband at home. This project was made possible with generous funding from the National […]

The Children’s Partnership

Designed an innovative program that enables low-performing middle schools effectively integrate  technology into all aspects of their school improvement efforts.  Students receive a netbook for use at home and in the classroom.  Parents and teachers receive training on how to leverage this technology to support […]

Southeast Community Development Corporation

Increasing access to broadband and providing training to improve the health and educational outcomes in the Southeast Los Angeles region. The Collaborative is providing basic Digital Literacy to 3,200 youth and adults, preparing 2,700 adults for the workforce, placing 150 in jobs, and assisting 800 […]


Closing the achievement gap and the Digital Divide by integrating the use of technology into teaching and learning at low-performing middle schools throughout California.  The Beta phase of the program will serve nearly 3,000 parents and students in Stevenson (LAUSD) and Central (RUSD) middle schools.

Salvation Army

Trained 900 adults in Digital Literacy and assisted 500 families subscribe to broadband. Coordinated and participated in 4 Community Technology Fairs in the Pico Union area of Los Angeles.